Dimitris Yeros
" ...Dimitris Yeros has long been famous for his images of beautiful Greek men, often presented with a surrealistic twist, but here shown in their most overtly classical guise. Photography, and most especially photographs of the male nude, has always modeled itself on templates found in more traditional art forms. Yeros is the direct heir in this respect of the 19th century photographers Guglielmo Marconi and Wilhelm von Cloeden, and also of 20th century photographers of the male nude such as George Platt Lynes and Bruce of Los Angeles."
"Dimitris Yeros stands as a unique figure in contemporary art. Painter, photographer, poet and performance artist, Yeros bridges these worlds with exceptional originality. He is, however, best known as a painter and photographer, creating lyrical and surreal paintings and provocative and richly textured photographs. Although he approaches these two media from different vantage points, one can detect a painterly eye in his photographs and a photographer's sensibility in his paintings. The results are beautifully crafted and arresting images that beckon the viewer to pause and contemplate the human condition."
"Dimitris Yeros is also a poet of Mediterranean bodies : Egyptians and Greeks of an enigmatic beauty, proud of their age old nudity."
Merci, cher Dimitris Yeros, pour votre vœux et à mon très bonne et heureuse année 2012. Sachez que votre portrait de Jean Baudrillard ne me quitte pas. C’est sans doute le plus beau et le plus vrai portrait jamais fait de lui.